The Most Expensive E-Heroes Fusions

Elemental Heroes first gained popularity in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime series, where they were used as signature cards by the protagonist Jaden Yuki. Since then, they have become one of the most famous archetypes in the game, best known for their playstyle around the fusion mechanic. As the signature cards of the protagonist Jaden Yuki … Continue reading The Most Expensive E-Heroes Fusions

The Fall of the LOB Blue-Eyes White Dragon

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was first introduced to the world in the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime series, and has since become a symbol of the entire franchise. It is the signature card of Seto Kaiba, one of the most popular characters in the series, and has been featured prominently in countless episodes, movies, and video games. … Continue reading The Fall of the LOB Blue-Eyes White Dragon