Welcome to Cardboard Crusade!

My name is Jay and I am a collector at heart. I have been collecting trading cards for years, and I am excited to share my passion and experiences with all of you. My goal is to help fellow collectors find love and joy within their community and offer advice on how to navigate the world of collecting.

Collecting trading cards is more than just a hobby – it’s a lifestyle. The excitement of opening a new pack, the satisfaction of completing a set, and the joy of connecting with other collectors – it’s an experience unlike any other. But for many collectors, finding others who share their passion can be a challenge.

That’s why I decided to start this blog. I will be sharing personal stories, tips and advice on building and growing your collection, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting out, there is something for everyone here.

As a collector and community member, I understand the importance of finding others who share our passions. We all deserve to find joy and companionship within our community, and I hope this blog can help facilitate that. So come join me on this journey, and let’s find passion and advice in collecting trading cards together!